The return of healthy eating and exercise

Hi friends!

I’m really putting effort towards getting more than one blog post out a month, so I thought today would be a good day to revisit an important theme for the blog. Health!

If any of you follow me on my previous blog(s) you know that I used to write about weight loss. Did you know its super tough to have a weight loss blog when you don’t lose any weight? Shocking, I know. While my goal for this blog is to be more rounded to include many different aspects of my life, healthy living is one of my main focuses.

Now that school is over, I really have no ‘excuse’ not to be working out or cooking more. I really let health slide by the wayside over the last two year. I thought for sure my pending nuptials would motivate me to lose weight and get healthy, but that never happened. I did try a few different programs, but I never really felt dedicated to them. I wasn’t managing my depression which caused a host of other issues to crop up. I was absolutely certain a trip to FitBloggin would re-spark my drive. And it did! For about a day…

Some of the intimate group sessions really reaffirmed the fact that I’m not the only person who struggles with healthy eating or getting enough exercise. All I need to do is reach out to my community and commit to making my life the best it can be.

Bottom line is I still have high blood pressure, I’m still carrying a lot of extra weight, and I’m still not happy with my journey. My pledge is…



The fiance has been on a work trip for almost two weeks now which means I have been eating a whole lot of cheese and crackers (and Tositos cheese dip – seriously, I should buy stock they make so much money off me!) So it comes as no surprise that I have managed to add another 10 pounds this year so far. This fucking sucks. Brutal honesty here people. I am getting really close to my heaviest weight ever and that was not something I wanted to ever have to say.

Yesterday I spent a part of the afternoon grocery shopping and doing some food prep.


Don’t mind the loofah!

Since the fiance comes home this week, I am focusing on quick, healthy, simple meals. Breakfast will consist of scrambled eggs, mashed avocado, and salsa in a flat out wrap (these thing are the bomb). It didn’t keep me as full as I thought it would, but luckily my work provides fresh fruit for its employees. I was able to snag a banana to go along with my oatmeal and pb.


What could be more visually appealing than oatmeal?

Lunch consisted of poached chicken, mashed avocado, and lettuce in another flat out wrap ( #obsessed). Carrots and hummus. Broccoli and a little light ranch. A nectarine.


As far as movement goes, I’m still loving Zumba. I can walk to a studio on Saturday mornings for class and soon I’ll be taking classes at the Y. I’m also staring a hip hop class this week and am ready to bust out my sweet dance moves!


Until next time…



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